Source code for aiohttp.connector

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import functools
import http.cookies
import ssl
import socket
import sys
import traceback
import warnings

from collections import defaultdict
from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
from itertools import chain
from math import ceil
from types import MappingProxyType

from . import hdrs
from .client import ClientRequest
from .errors import ServerDisconnectedError
from .errors import HttpProxyError, ProxyConnectionError
from .errors import ClientOSError, ClientTimeoutError
from .errors import FingerprintMismatch
from .helpers import BasicAuth

__all__ = ('BaseConnector', 'TCPConnector', 'ProxyConnector', 'UnixConnector')

PY_343 = sys.version_info >= (3, 4, 3)

    16: md5,
    20: sha1,
    32: sha256,

class Connection(object):

    _source_traceback = None
    _transport = None

    def __init__(self, connector, key, request, transport, protocol, loop):
        self._key = key
        self._connector = connector
        self._request = request
        self._transport = transport
        self._protocol = protocol
        self._loop = loop
        self.reader = protocol.reader
        self.writer = protocol.writer

        if loop.get_debug():
            self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1))

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Connection<{}>'.format(self._key)

    def __del__(self, _warnings=warnings):
        if self._transport is not None:
            _warnings.warn('Unclosed connection {!r}'.format(self),
            if hasattr(self._loop, 'is_closed'):
                if self._loop.is_closed():

                self._key, self._request, self._transport, self._protocol,

            context = {'client_connection': self,
                       'message': 'Unclosed connection'}
            if self._source_traceback is not None:
                context['source_traceback'] = self._source_traceback

    def loop(self):
        return self._loop

    def close(self):
        if self._transport is not None:
                self._key, self._request, self._transport, self._protocol,
            self._transport = None

    def release(self):
        if self._transport is not None:
                self._key, self._request, self._transport, self._protocol,
            self._transport = None

    def detach(self):
        self._transport = None

    def closed(self):
        return self._transport is None

[docs]class BaseConnector(object): """Base connector class. :param conn_timeout: (optional) Connect timeout. :param keepalive_timeout: (optional) Keep-alive timeout. :param bool force_close: Set to True to force close and do reconnect after each request (and between redirects). :param loop: Optional event loop. """ _closed = True # prevent AttributeError in __del__ if ctor was failed _source_traceback = None def __init__(self, *, conn_timeout=None, keepalive_timeout=30, share_cookies=False, force_close=False, limit=None, loop=None): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._closed = False if loop.get_debug(): self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1)) self._conns = {} self._acquired = defaultdict(set) self._conn_timeout = conn_timeout self._keepalive_timeout = keepalive_timeout if share_cookies: warnings.warn( 'Using `share_cookies` is deprecated. ' 'Use Session object instead', DeprecationWarning) self._share_cookies = share_cookies self._cleanup_handle = None self._force_close = force_close self._limit = limit self._waiters = defaultdict(list) self._loop = loop self._factory = functools.partial( aiohttp.StreamProtocol, loop=loop, disconnect_error=ServerDisconnectedError) self.cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie() def __del__(self, _warnings=warnings): if self._closed: return if not self._conns: return conns = [repr(c) for c in self._conns.values()] self.close() _warnings.warn("Unclosed connector {!r}".format(self), ResourceWarning) context = {'connector': self, 'connections': conns, 'message': 'Unclosed connector'} if self._source_traceback is not None: context['source_traceback'] = self._source_traceback self._loop.call_exception_handler(context) @property def force_close(self): """Ultimately close connection on releasing if True.""" return self._force_close @property def limit(self): """The limit for simultaneous connections to the same endpoint. Endpoints are the same if they are have equal (host, port, is_ssl) triple. If limit is None the connector has no limit (default). """ return self._limit def _cleanup(self): """Cleanup unused transports.""" if self._cleanup_handle: self._cleanup_handle.cancel() self._cleanup_handle = None now = self._loop.time() connections = {} timeout = self._keepalive_timeout for key, conns in self._conns.items(): alive = [] for transport, proto, t0 in conns: if transport is not None: if proto and not proto.is_connected(): transport = None else: delta = t0 + self._keepalive_timeout - now if delta < 0: transport.close() transport = None elif delta < timeout: timeout = delta if transport is not None: alive.append((transport, proto, t0)) if alive: connections[key] = alive if connections: self._cleanup_handle = self._loop.call_at( ceil(now + timeout), self._cleanup) self._conns = connections def _start_cleanup_task(self): if self._cleanup_handle is None: now = self._loop.time() self._cleanup_handle = self._loop.call_at( ceil(now + self._keepalive_timeout), self._cleanup)
[docs] def close(self): """Close all opened transports.""" ret = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) ret.set_result(None) if self._closed: return ret self._closed = True try: if hasattr(self._loop, 'is_closed'): if self._loop.is_closed(): return ret for key, data in self._conns.items(): for transport, proto, t0 in data: transport.close() for transport in chain(*self._acquired.values()): transport.close() if self._cleanup_handle: self._cleanup_handle.cancel() finally: self._conns.clear() self._acquired.clear() self._cleanup_handle = None return ret
@property def closed(self): """Is connector closed. A readonly property. """ return self._closed def update_cookies(self, cookies): """Update shared cookies. Deprecated, use ClientSession instead. """ if isinstance(cookies, dict): cookies = cookies.items() for name, value in cookies: if PY_343: self.cookies[name] = value else: if isinstance(value, http.cookies.Morsel): # use dict method because SimpleCookie class modifies value dict.__setitem__(self.cookies, name, value) else: self.cookies[name] = value @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def connect(self, req): """Get from pool or create new connection.""" key = (, req.port, req.ssl) limit = self._limit if limit is not None: fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) waiters = self._waiters[key] # The limit defines the maximum number of concurrent connections # for a key. Waiters must be counted against the limit, even before # the underlying connection is created. available = limit - len(waiters) - len(self._acquired[key]) # Don't wait if there are connections available. if available > 0: fut.set_result(None) # This connection will now count towards the limit. waiters.append(fut) yield from fut transport, proto = self._get(key) if transport is None: try: if self._conn_timeout: transport, proto = yield from asyncio.wait_for( self._create_connection(req), self._conn_timeout, loop=self._loop) else: transport, proto = yield from self._create_connection(req) except asyncio.TimeoutError as exc: raise ClientTimeoutError( 'Connection timeout to host {0[0]}:{0[1]} ssl:{0[2]}' .format(key)) from exc except OSError as exc: raise ClientOSError( exc.errno, 'Cannot connect to host {0[0]}:{0[1]} ssl:{0[2]} [{1}]' .format(key, exc.strerror)) from exc self._acquired[key].add(transport) conn = Connection(self, key, req, transport, proto, self._loop) return conn
def _get(self, key): try: conns = self._conns[key] except KeyError: return None, None t1 = self._loop.time() while conns: transport, proto, t0 = conns.pop() if transport is not None and proto.is_connected(): if t1 - t0 > self._keepalive_timeout: transport.close() transport = None else: if not conns: # The very last connection was reclaimed: drop the key del self._conns[key] return transport, proto # No more connections: drop the key del self._conns[key] return None, None def _release(self, key, req, transport, protocol, *, should_close=False): if self._closed: # acquired connection is already released on connector closing return acquired = self._acquired[key] try: acquired.remove(transport) except KeyError: # pragma: no cover # this may be result of undetermenistic order of objects # finalization due garbage collection. pass else: if self._limit is not None and len(acquired) < self._limit: waiters = self._waiters[key] while waiters: waiter = waiters.pop(0) if not waiter.done(): waiter.set_result(None) break resp = req.response if not should_close: if self._force_close: should_close = True elif resp is not None: should_close = resp._should_close reader = protocol.reader if should_close or (reader.output and not reader.output.at_eof()): transport.close() else: conns = self._conns.get(key) if conns is None: conns = self._conns[key] = [] conns.append((transport, protocol, self._loop.time())) reader.unset_parser() self._start_cleanup_task() @asyncio.coroutine
[docs] def _create_connection(self, req): raise NotImplementedError()
_SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION = getattr(ssl, "OP_NO_COMPRESSION", 0) _marker = object()
[docs]class TCPConnector(BaseConnector): """TCP connector. :param bool verify_ssl: Set to True to check ssl certifications. :param bytes fingerprint: Pass the binary md5, sha1, or sha256 digest of the expected certificate in DER format to verify that the certificate the server presents matches. See also :param bool resolve: Set to True to do DNS lookup for host name. :param family: socket address family :param local_addr: local :class:`tuple` of (host, port) to bind socket to :param args: see :class:`BaseConnector` :param kwargs: see :class:`BaseConnector` """ def __init__(self, *, verify_ssl=True, fingerprint=None, resolve=_marker, use_dns_cache=_marker, family=0, ssl_context=None, local_addr=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if not verify_ssl and ssl_context is not None: raise ValueError( "Either disable ssl certificate validation by " "verify_ssl=False or specify ssl_context, not both.") self._verify_ssl = verify_ssl if fingerprint: digestlen = len(fingerprint) hashfunc = HASHFUNC_BY_DIGESTLEN.get(digestlen) if not hashfunc: raise ValueError('fingerprint has invalid length') self._hashfunc = hashfunc self._fingerprint = fingerprint if resolve is not _marker: warnings.warn(("resolve parameter is deprecated, " "use use_dns_cache instead"), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if use_dns_cache is not _marker and resolve is not _marker: if use_dns_cache != resolve: raise ValueError("use_dns_cache must agree with resolve") _use_dns_cache = use_dns_cache elif use_dns_cache is not _marker: _use_dns_cache = use_dns_cache elif resolve is not _marker: _use_dns_cache = resolve else: _use_dns_cache = False self._use_dns_cache = _use_dns_cache self._cached_hosts = {} self._ssl_context = ssl_context self._family = family self._local_addr = local_addr @property def verify_ssl(self): """Do check for ssl certifications?""" return self._verify_ssl @property def fingerprint(self): """Expected ssl certificate fingerprint.""" return self._fingerprint @property def ssl_context(self): """SSLContext instance for https requests. Lazy property, creates context on demand. """ if self._ssl_context is None: if not self._verify_ssl: sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 sslcontext.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 sslcontext.options |= _SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION sslcontext.set_default_verify_paths() else: sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context() self._ssl_context = sslcontext return self._ssl_context @property def family(self): """Socket family like AF_INET.""" return self._family @property def use_dns_cache(self): """True if local DNS caching is enabled.""" return self._use_dns_cache @property def cached_hosts(self): """Read-only dict of cached DNS record.""" return MappingProxyType(self._cached_hosts)
[docs] def clear_dns_cache(self, host=None, port=None): """Remove specified host/port or clear all dns local cache.""" if host is not None and port is not None: self._cached_hosts.pop((host, port), None) elif host is not None or port is not None: raise ValueError("either both host and port " "or none of them are allowed") else: self._cached_hosts.clear()
@property def resolve(self): """Do DNS lookup for host name?""" warnings.warn((".resolve property is deprecated, " "use .dns_cache instead"), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.use_dns_cache @property def resolved_hosts(self): """The dict of (host, port) -> (ipaddr, port) pairs.""" warnings.warn((".resolved_hosts property is deprecated, " "use .cached_hosts instead"), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.cached_hosts
[docs] def clear_resolved_hosts(self, host=None, port=None): """Remove specified host/port or clear all resolve cache.""" warnings.warn((".clear_resolved_hosts() is deprecated, " "use .clear_dns_cache() instead"), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if host is not None and port is not None: self.clear_dns_cache(host, port) else: self.clear_dns_cache()
@asyncio.coroutine def _resolve_host(self, host, port): if self._use_dns_cache: key = (host, port) if key not in self._cached_hosts: infos = yield from self._loop.getaddrinfo( host, port, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, family=self._family) hosts = [] for family, _, proto, _, address in infos: hosts.append( {'hostname': host, 'host': address[0], 'port': address[1], 'family': family, 'proto': proto, 'flags': socket.AI_NUMERICHOST}) self._cached_hosts[key] = hosts return list(self._cached_hosts[key]) else: return [{'hostname': host, 'host': host, 'port': port, 'family': self._family, 'proto': 0, 'flags': 0}] @asyncio.coroutine def _create_connection(self, req): """Create connection. Has same keyword arguments as BaseEventLoop.create_connection. """ if req.ssl: sslcontext = self.ssl_context else: sslcontext = None hosts = yield from self._resolve_host(, req.port) exc = None for hinfo in hosts: try: host = hinfo['host'] port = hinfo['port'] transp, proto = yield from self._loop.create_connection( self._factory, host, port, ssl=sslcontext, family=hinfo['family'], proto=hinfo['proto'], flags=hinfo['flags'], server_hostname=hinfo['hostname'] if sslcontext else None, local_addr=self._local_addr) has_cert = transp.get_extra_info('sslcontext') if has_cert and self._fingerprint: sock = transp.get_extra_info('socket') if not hasattr(sock, 'getpeercert'): # Workaround for asyncio 3.5.0 # Starting from 3.5.1 version # there is 'ssl_object' extra info in transport sock = transp._ssl_protocol._sslpipe.ssl_object # gives DER-encoded cert as a sequence of bytes (or None) cert = sock.getpeercert(binary_form=True) assert cert got = self._hashfunc(cert).digest() expected = self._fingerprint if got != expected: transp.close() raise FingerprintMismatch(expected, got, host, port) return transp, proto except OSError as e: exc = e else: raise ClientOSError(exc.errno, 'Can not connect to %s:%s [%s]' % (, req.port, exc.strerror)) from exc
[docs]class ProxyConnector(TCPConnector): """Http Proxy connector. :param str proxy: Proxy URL address. Only http proxy supported. :param proxy_auth: (optional) Proxy HTTP Basic Auth :type proxy_auth: aiohttp.helpers.BasicAuth :param args: see :class:`TCPConnector` :param kwargs: see :class:`TCPConnector` Usage: >>> conn = ProxyConnector(proxy="") >>> session = ClientSession(connector=conn) >>> resp = yield from session.get('') """ def __init__(self, proxy, *, proxy_auth=None, force_close=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(force_close=force_close, **kwargs) self._proxy = proxy self._proxy_auth = proxy_auth assert proxy.startswith('http://'), ( "Only http proxy supported", proxy) assert proxy_auth is None or isinstance(proxy_auth, BasicAuth), ( "proxy_auth must be None or BasicAuth() tuple", proxy_auth) @property def proxy(self): """Proxy URL.""" return self._proxy @property def proxy_auth(self): """Proxy auth info. Should be BasicAuth instance. """ return self._proxy_auth @asyncio.coroutine def _create_connection(self, req): proxy_req = ClientRequest( hdrs.METH_GET, self._proxy, headers={hdrs.HOST:}, auth=self._proxy_auth, loop=self._loop) try: transport, proto = yield from super()._create_connection(proxy_req) except OSError as exc: raise ProxyConnectionError(*exc.args) from exc if not req.ssl: req.path = '{scheme}://{host}{path}'.format(scheme=req.scheme, host=req.netloc, path=req.path) if hdrs.AUTHORIZATION in proxy_req.headers: auth = proxy_req.headers[hdrs.AUTHORIZATION] del proxy_req.headers[hdrs.AUTHORIZATION] if not req.ssl: req.headers[hdrs.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = auth else: proxy_req.headers[hdrs.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = auth if req.ssl: # For HTTPS requests over HTTP proxy # we must notify proxy to tunnel connection # so we send CONNECT command: # CONNECT HTTP/1.1 # Host: # # next we must do TLS handshake and so on # to do this we must wrap raw socket into secure one # asyncio handles this perfectly proxy_req.method = hdrs.METH_CONNECT proxy_req.path = '{}:{}'.format(, req.port) key = (, req.port, req.ssl) conn = Connection(self, key, proxy_req, transport, proto, self._loop) self._acquired[key].add(conn._transport) proxy_resp = proxy_req.send(conn.writer, conn.reader) try: resp = yield from proxy_resp.start(conn, True) except: proxy_resp.close() conn.close() raise else: conn.detach() if resp.status != 200: raise HttpProxyError(code=resp.status, message=resp.reason) rawsock = transport.get_extra_info('socket', default=None) if rawsock is None: raise RuntimeError( "Transport does not expose socket instance") transport.pause_reading() transport, proto = yield from self._loop.create_connection( self._factory, ssl=self.ssl_context, sock=rawsock, finally: proxy_resp.close() return transport, proto
[docs]class UnixConnector(BaseConnector): """Unix socket connector. :param str path: Unix socket path. :param args: see :class:`BaseConnector` :param kwargs: see :class:`BaseConnector` Usage: >>> conn = UnixConnector(path='/path/to/socket') >>> session = ClientSession(connector=conn) >>> resp = yield from session.get('') """ def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._path = path @property def path(self): """Path to unix socket.""" return self._path @asyncio.coroutine def _create_connection(self, req): return (yield from self._loop.create_unix_connection( self._factory, self._path))