.. _aiohttp-web-reference: HTTP Server Reference ===================== .. module:: aiohttp.web .. currentmodule:: aiohttp.web .. _aiohttp-web-request: Request ------- The Request object contains all the information about an incoming HTTP request. Every :ref:`handler` accepts a request instance as the first positional parameter. A :class:`Request` is a :obj:`dict`-like object, allowing it to be used for :ref:`sharing data` among :ref:`aiohttp-web-middlewares` and :ref:`aiohttp-web-signals` handlers. Although :class:`Request` is :obj:`dict`-like object, it can't be duplicated like one using :meth:`Request.copy`. .. note:: You should never create the :class:`Request` instance manually -- :mod:`aiohttp.web` does it for you. .. class:: Request .. attribute:: scheme A string representing the scheme of the request. The scheme is ``'https'`` if transport for request handling is *SSL* or ``secure_proxy_ssl_header`` is matching. ``'http'`` otherwise. Read-only :class:`str` property. .. attribute:: method *HTTP method*, read-only property. The value is upper-cased :class:`str` like ``"GET"``, ``"POST"``, ``"PUT"`` etc. .. attribute:: version *HTTP version* of request, Read-only property. Returns :class:`aiohttp.protocol.HttpVersion` instance. .. attribute:: host *HOST* header of request, Read-only property. Returns :class:`str` or ``None`` if HTTP request has no *HOST* header. .. attribute:: path_qs The URL including PATH_INFO and the query string. e.g, ``/app/blog?id=10`` Read-only :class:`str` property. .. attribute:: path The URL including *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme. e.g., ``/app/blog``. The path is URL-unquoted. For raw path info see :attr:`raw_path`. Read-only :class:`str` property. .. attribute:: raw_path The URL including raw *PATH INFO* without the host or scheme. Warning, the path may be quoted and may contains non valid URL characters, e.g. ``/my%2Fpath%7Cwith%21some%25strange%24characters``. For unquoted version please take a look on :attr:`path`. Read-only :class:`str` property. .. attribute:: query_string The query string in the URL, e.g., ``id=10`` Read-only :class:`str` property. .. attribute:: GET A multidict with all the variables in the query string. Read-only :class:`~aiohttp.MultiDictProxy` lazy property. .. versionchanged:: 0.17 A multidict contains empty items for query string like ``?arg=``. .. attribute:: POST A multidict with all the variables in the POST parameters. POST property available only after :meth:`Request.post` coroutine call. Read-only :class:`~aiohttp.MultiDictProxy`. :raises RuntimeError: if :meth:`Request.post` was not called \ before accessing the property. .. attribute:: headers A case-insensitive multidict proxy with all headers. Read-only :class:`~aiohttp.CIMultiDictProxy` property. .. attribute:: raw_headers HTTP headers of response as unconverted bytes, a sequence of ``(key, value)`` pairs. .. attribute:: keep_alive ``True`` if keep-alive connection enabled by HTTP client and protocol version supports it, otherwise ``False``. Read-only :class:`bool` property. .. attribute:: match_info Read-only property with :class:`~aiohttp.abc.AbstractMatchInfo` instance for result of route resolving. .. note:: Exact type of property depends on used router. If ``app.router`` is :class:`UrlDispatcher` the property contains :class:`UrlMappingMatchInfo` instance. .. attribute:: app An :class:`Application` instance used to call :ref:`request handler `, Read-only property. .. attribute:: transport An :ref:`transport` used to process request, Read-only property. The property can be used, for example, for getting IP address of client's peer:: peername = request.transport.get_extra_info('peername') if peername is not None: host, port = peername .. attribute:: cookies A multidict of all request's cookies. Read-only :class:`~aiohttp.MultiDictProxy` lazy property. .. attribute:: content A :class:`~aiohttp.streams.FlowControlStreamReader` instance, input stream for reading request's *BODY*. Read-only property. .. versionadded:: 0.15 .. attribute:: has_body Return ``True`` if request has *HTTP BODY*, ``False`` otherwise. Read-only :class:`bool` property. .. versionadded:: 0.16 .. attribute:: payload A :class:`~aiohttp.streams.FlowControlStreamReader` instance, input stream for reading request's *BODY*. Read-only property. .. deprecated:: 0.15 Use :attr:`~Request.content` instead. .. attribute:: content_type Read-only property with *content* part of *Content-Type* header. Returns :class:`str` like ``'text/html'`` .. note:: Returns value is ``'application/octet-stream'`` if no Content-Type header present in HTTP headers according to :rfc:`2616` .. attribute:: charset Read-only property that specifies the *encoding* for the request's BODY. The value is parsed from the *Content-Type* HTTP header. Returns :class:`str` like ``'utf-8'`` or ``None`` if *Content-Type* has no charset information. .. attribute:: content_length Read-only property that returns length of the request's BODY. The value is parsed from the *Content-Length* HTTP header. Returns :class:`int` or ``None`` if *Content-Length* is absent. .. attribute:: if_modified_since Read-only property that returns the date specified in the *If-Modified-Since* header. Returns :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` if *If-Modified-Since* header is absent or is not a valid HTTP date. .. coroutinemethod:: read() Read request body, returns :class:`bytes` object with body content. .. note:: The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent :meth:`~Request.read` call will return the same value. .. coroutinemethod:: text() Read request body, decode it using :attr:`charset` encoding or ``UTF-8`` if no encoding was specified in *MIME-type*. Returns :class:`str` with body content. .. note:: The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent :meth:`~Request.text` call will return the same value. .. coroutinemethod:: json(*, loads=json.loads) Read request body decoded as *json*. The method is just a boilerplate :ref:`coroutine ` implemented as:: async def json(self, *, loads=json.loads): body = await self.text() return loader(body) :param callable loader: any :term:`callable` that accepts :class:`str` and returns :class:`dict` with parsed JSON (:func:`json.loads` by default). .. note:: The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent :meth:`~Request.json` call will return the same value. .. coroutinemethod:: post() A :ref:`coroutine ` that reads POST parameters from request body. Returns :class:`~aiohttp.MultiDictProxy` instance filled with parsed data. If :attr:`method` is not *POST*, *PUT* or *PATCH* or :attr:`content_type` is not empty or *application/x-www-form-urlencoded* or *multipart/form-data* returns empty multidict. .. note:: The method **does** store read data internally, subsequent :meth:`~Request.post` call will return the same value. .. coroutinemethod:: release() Release request. Eat unread part of HTTP BODY if present. .. note:: User code may never call :meth:`~Request.release`, all required work will be processed by :mod:`aiohttp.web` internal machinery. .. _aiohttp-web-response: Response classes ---------------- For now, :mod:`aiohttp.web` has two classes for the *HTTP response*: :class:`StreamResponse` and :class:`Response`. Usually you need to use the second one. :class:`StreamResponse` is intended for streaming data, while :class:`Response` contains *HTTP BODY* as an attribute and sends own content as single piece with the correct *Content-Length HTTP header*. For sake of design decisions :class:`Response` is derived from :class:`StreamResponse` parent class. The response supports *keep-alive* handling out-of-the-box if *request* supports it. You can disable *keep-alive* by :meth:`~StreamResponse.force_close` though. The common case for sending an answer from :ref:`web-handler` is returning a :class:`Response` instance:: def handler(request): return Response("All right!") StreamResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. class:: StreamResponse(*, status=200, reason=None) The base class for the *HTTP response* handling. Contains methods for setting *HTTP response headers*, *cookies*, *response status code*, writing *HTTP response BODY* and so on. The most important thing you should know about *response* --- it is *Finite State Machine*. That means you can do any manipulations with *headers*, *cookies* and *status code* only before :meth:`prepare` coroutine is called. Once you call :meth:`prepare` any change of the *HTTP header* part will raise :exc:`RuntimeError` exception. Any :meth:`write` call after :meth:`write_eof` is also forbidden. :param int status: HTTP status code, ``200`` by default. :param str reason: HTTP reason. If param is ``None`` reason will be calculated basing on *status* parameter. Otherwise pass :class:`str` with arbitrary *status* explanation.. .. attribute:: prepared Read-only :class:`bool` property, ``True`` if :meth:`prepare` has been called, ``False`` otherwise. .. versionadded:: 0.18 .. attribute:: started Deprecated alias for :attr:`prepared`. .. deprecated:: 0.18 .. attribute:: status Read-only property for *HTTP response status code*, :class:`int`. ``200`` (OK) by default. .. attribute:: reason Read-only property for *HTTP response reason*, :class:`str`. .. method:: set_status(status, reason=None) Set :attr:`status` and :attr:`reason`. *reason* value is auto calculated if not specified (``None``). .. attribute:: keep_alive Read-only property, copy of :attr:`Request.keep_alive` by default. Can be switched to ``False`` by :meth:`force_close` call. .. method:: force_close Disable :attr:`keep_alive` for connection. There are no ways to enable it back. .. attribute:: compression Read-only :class:`bool` property, ``True`` if compression is enabled. ``False`` by default. .. versionadded:: 0.14 .. seealso:: :meth:`enable_compression` .. method:: enable_compression(force=None) Enable compression. When *force* is unset compression encoding is selected based on the request's *Accept-Encoding* header. *Accept-Encoding* is not checked if *force* is set to a :class:`ContentCoding`. .. versionadded:: 0.14 .. seealso:: :attr:`compression` .. attribute:: chunked Read-only property, indicates if chunked encoding is on. Can be enabled by :meth:`enable_chunked_encoding` call. .. versionadded:: 0.14 .. seealso:: :attr:`enable_chunked_encoding` .. method:: enable_chunked_encoding Enables :attr:`chunked` encoding for response. There are no ways to disable it back. With enabled :attr:`chunked` encoding each `write()` operation encoded in separate chunk. .. versionadded:: 0.14 .. warning:: chunked encoding can be enabled for ``HTTP/1.1`` only. Setting up both :attr:`content_length` and chunked encoding is mutually exclusive. .. seealso:: :attr:`chunked` .. attribute:: headers :class:`~aiohttp.CIMultiDict` instance for *outgoing* *HTTP headers*. .. attribute:: cookies An instance of :class:`http.cookies.SimpleCookie` for *outgoing* cookies. .. warning:: Direct setting up *Set-Cookie* header may be overwritten by explicit calls to cookie manipulation. We are encourage using of :attr:`cookies` and :meth:`set_cookie`, :meth:`del_cookie` for cookie manipulations. .. method:: set_cookie(name, value, *, path='/', expires=None, \ domain=None, max_age=None, \ secure=None, httponly=None, version=None) Convenient way for setting :attr:`cookies`, allows to specify some additional properties like *max_age* in a single call. :param str name: cookie name :param str value: cookie value (will be converted to :class:`str` if value has another type). :param expires: expiration date (optional) :param str domain: cookie domain (optional) :param int max_age: defines the lifetime of the cookie, in seconds. The delta-seconds value is a decimal non- negative integer. After delta-seconds seconds elapse, the client should discard the cookie. A value of zero means the cookie should be discarded immediately. (optional) :param str path: specifies the subset of URLs to which this cookie applies. (optional, ``'/'`` by default) :param bool secure: attribute (with no value) directs the user agent to use only (unspecified) secure means to contact the origin server whenever it sends back this cookie. The user agent (possibly under the user's control) may determine what level of security it considers appropriate for "secure" cookies. The *secure* should be considered security advice from the server to the user agent, indicating that it is in the session's interest to protect the cookie contents. (optional) :param bool httponly: ``True`` if the cookie HTTP only (optional) :param int version: a decimal integer, identifies to which version of the state management specification the cookie conforms. (Optional, *version=1* by default) .. versionchanged:: 0.14.3 Default value for *path* changed from ``None`` to ``'/'``. .. method:: del_cookie(name, *, path='/', domain=None) Deletes cookie. :param str name: cookie name :param str domain: optional cookie domain :param str path: optional cookie path, ``'/'`` by default .. versionchanged:: 0.14.3 Default value for *path* changed from ``None`` to ``'/'``. .. attribute:: content_length *Content-Length* for outgoing response. .. attribute:: content_type *Content* part of *Content-Type* for outgoing response. .. attribute:: charset *Charset* aka *encoding* part of *Content-Type* for outgoing response. The value converted to lower-case on attribute assigning. .. attribute:: last_modified *Last-Modified* header for outgoing response. This property accepts raw :class:`str` values, :class:`datetime.datetime` objects, Unix timestamps specified as an :class:`int` or a :class:`float` object, and the value ``None`` to unset the header. .. attribute:: tcp_cork :const:`~socket.TCP_CORK` (linux) or :const:`~socket.TCP_NOPUSH` (FreeBSD and MacOSX) is applied to underlying transport if the property is ``True``. Use :meth:`set_tcp_cork` to assign new value to the property. Default value is ``False``. .. method:: set_tcp_cork(value) Set :attr:`tcp_cork` property to *value*. Clear :attr:`tcp_nodelay` if *value* is ``True``. .. attribute:: tcp_nodelay :const:`~socket.TCP_NODELAY` is applied to underlying transport if the property is ``True``. Use :meth:`set_tcp_nodelay` to assign new value to the property. Default value is ``True``. .. method:: set_tcp_nodelay(value) Set :attr:`tcp_nodelay` property to *value*. Clear :attr:`tcp_cork` if *value* is ``True``. .. method:: start(request) :param aiohttp.web.Request request: HTTP request object, that the response answers. Send *HTTP header*. You should not change any header data after calling this method. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`prepare` instead. .. warning:: The method doesn't call :attr:`web.Application.on_response_prepare` signal, use :meth:`prepare` instead. .. coroutinemethod:: prepare(request) :param aiohttp.web.Request request: HTTP request object, that the response answers. Send *HTTP header*. You should not change any header data after calling this method. The coroutine calls :attr:`web.Application.on_response_prepare` signal handlers. .. versionadded:: 0.18 .. method:: write(data) Send byte-ish data as the part of *response BODY*. :meth:`prepare` must be called before. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if data is not :class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray` or :class:`memoryview` instance. Raises :exc:`RuntimeError` if :meth:`prepare` has not been called. Raises :exc:`RuntimeError` if :meth:`write_eof` has been called. .. coroutinemethod:: drain() A :ref:`coroutine` to let the write buffer of the underlying transport a chance to be flushed. The intended use is to write:: resp.write(data) await resp.drain() Yielding from :meth:`drain` gives the opportunity for the loop to schedule the write operation and flush the buffer. It should especially be used when a possibly large amount of data is written to the transport, and the coroutine does not yield-from between calls to :meth:`write`. .. versionadded:: 0.14 .. coroutinemethod:: write_eof() A :ref:`coroutine` *may* be called as a mark of the *HTTP response* processing finish. *Internal machinery* will call this method at the end of the request processing if needed. After :meth:`write_eof` call any manipulations with the *response* object are forbidden. Response ^^^^^^^^ .. class:: Response(*, status=200, headers=None, content_type=None, \ charset=None, \ body=None, text=None) The most usable response class, inherited from :class:`StreamResponse`. Accepts *body* argument for setting the *HTTP response BODY*. The actual :attr:`body` sending happens in overridden :meth:`~StreamResponse.write_eof`. :param bytes body: response's BODY :param int status: HTTP status code, 200 OK by default. :param collections.abc.Mapping headers: HTTP headers that should be added to response's ones. :param str text: response's BODY :param str content_type: response's content type. ``'text/plain'`` if *text* is passed also, ``'application/octet-stream'`` otherwise. :param str charset: response's charset. ``'utf-8'`` if *text* is passed also, ``None`` otherwise. .. attribute:: body Read-write attribute for storing response's content aka BODY, :class:`bytes`. Setting :attr:`body` also recalculates :attr:`~StreamResponse.content_length` value. Resetting :attr:`body` (assigning ``None``) sets :attr:`~StreamResponse.content_length` to ``None`` too, dropping *Content-Length* HTTP header. .. attribute:: text Read-write attribute for storing response's content, represented as str, :class:`str`. Setting :attr:`str` also recalculates :attr:`~StreamResponse.content_length` value and :attr:`~StreamResponse.body` value Resetting :attr:`body` (assigning ``None``) sets :attr:`~StreamResponse.content_length` to ``None`` too, dropping *Content-Length* HTTP header. WebSocketResponse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. class:: WebSocketResponse(*, timeout=10.0, autoclose=True, \ autoping=True, protocols=()) Class for handling server-side websockets, inherited from :class:`StreamResponse`. After starting (by :meth:`prepare` call) the response you cannot use :meth:`~StreamResponse.write` method but should to communicate with websocket client by :meth:`send_str`, :meth:`receive` and others. .. versionadded:: 0.19 The class supports ``async for`` statement for iterating over incoming messages:: ws = web.WebSocketResponse() await ws.prepare(request) async for msg in ws: print(msg.data) .. coroutinemethod:: prepare(request) Starts websocket. After the call you can use websocket methods. :param aiohttp.web.Request request: HTTP request object, that the response answers. :raises HTTPException: if websocket handshake has failed. .. versionadded:: 0.18 .. method:: start(request) Starts websocket. After the call you can use websocket methods. :param aiohttp.web.Request request: HTTP request object, that the response answers. :raises HTTPException: if websocket handshake has failed. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`prepare` instead. .. method:: can_prepare(request) Performs checks for *request* data to figure out if websocket can be started on the request. If :meth:`can_prepare` call is success then :meth:`prepare` will success too. :param aiohttp.web.Request request: HTTP request object, that the response answers. :return: ``(ok, protocol)`` pair, *ok* is ``True`` on success, *protocol* is websocket subprotocol which is passed by client and accepted by server (one of *protocols* sequence from :class:`WebSocketResponse` ctor). *protocol* may be ``None`` if client and server subprotocols are nit overlapping. .. note:: The method never raises exception. .. method:: can_start(request) Deprecated alias for :meth:`can_prepare` .. deprecated:: 0.18 .. attribute:: closed Read-only property, ``True`` if connection has been closed or in process of closing. :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_CLOSE` message has been received from peer. .. attribute:: close_code Read-only property, close code from peer. It is set to ``None`` on opened connection. .. attribute:: protocol Websocket *subprotocol* chosen after :meth:`start` call. May be ``None`` if server and client protocols are not overlapping. .. method:: exception() Returns last occurred exception or None. .. method:: ping(message=b'') Send :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_PING` to peer. :param message: optional payload of *ping* message, :class:`str` (converted to *UTF-8* encoded bytes) or :class:`bytes`. :raise RuntimeError: if connections is not started or closing. .. method:: pong(message=b'') Send *unsolicited* :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_PONG` to peer. :param message: optional payload of *pong* message, :class:`str` (converted to *UTF-8* encoded bytes) or :class:`bytes`. :raise RuntimeError: if connections is not started or closing. .. method:: send_str(data) Send *data* to peer as :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_TEXT` message. :param str data: data to send. :raise RuntimeError: if connection is not started or closing :raise TypeError: if data is not :class:`str` .. method:: send_bytes(data) Send *data* to peer as :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_BINARY` message. :param data: data to send. :raise RuntimeError: if connection is not started or closing :raise TypeError: if data is not :class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray` or :class:`memoryview`. .. coroutinemethod:: close(*, code=1000, message=b'') A :ref:`coroutine` that initiates closing handshake by sending :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_CLOSE` message. :param int code: closing code :param message: optional payload of *pong* message, :class:`str` (converted to *UTF-8* encoded bytes) or :class:`bytes`. :raise RuntimeError: if connection is not started or closing .. coroutinemethod:: receive() A :ref:`coroutine` that waits upcoming *data* message from peer and returns it. The coroutine implicitly handles :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_PING`, :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_PONG` and :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_CLOSE` without returning the message. It process *ping-pong game* and performs *closing handshake* internally. After websocket closing raises :exc:`~aiohttp.errors.WSClientDisconnectedError` with connection closing data. :return: :class:`~aiohttp.websocket.Message` :raise RuntimeError: if connection is not started :raise: :exc:`~aiohttp.errors.WSClientDisconnectedError` on closing. .. coroutinemethod:: receive_str() A :ref:`coroutine` that calls :meth:`receive_mgs` but also asserts the message type is :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_TEXT`. :return str: peer's message content. :raise TypeError: if message is :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_BINARY`. .. coroutinemethod:: receive_bytes() A :ref:`coroutine` that calls :meth:`receive_mgs` but also asserts the message type is :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_BINARY`. :return bytes: peer's message content. :raise TypeError: if message is :const:`~aiohttp.websocket.MSG_TEXT`. .. versionadded:: 0.14 .. seealso:: :ref:`WebSockets handling` json_response ------------- .. function:: json_response([data], *, text=None, body=None, \ status=200, reason=None, headers=None, \ content_type='application/json', \ dumps=json.dumps) Return :class:`Response` with predefined ``'application/json'`` content type and *data* encoded by *dumps* parameter (:func:`json.dumps` by default). .. _aiohttp-web-app-and-router: Application and Router ---------------------- Application ^^^^^^^^^^^ Application is a synonym for web-server. To get fully working example, you have to make *application*, register supported urls in *router* and create a *server socket* with :class:`aiohttp.RequestHandlerFactory` as a *protocol factory*. *RequestHandlerFactory* could be constructed with :meth:`make_handler`. *Application* contains a *router* instance and a list of callbacks that will be called during application finishing. :class:`Application` is a :obj:`dict`-like object, so you can use it for :ref:`sharing data` globally by storing arbitrary properties for later access from a :ref:`handler` via the :attr:`Request.app` property:: app = Application(loop=loop) app['database'] = await aiopg.create_engine(**db_config) async def handler(request): with (await request.app['database']) as conn: conn.execute("DELETE * FROM table") Although :class:`Application` is a :obj:`dict`-like object, it can't be duplicated like one using :meth:`Application.copy`. .. class:: Application(*, loop=None, router=None, logger=, \ middlewares=(), **kwargs) The class inherits :class:`dict`. :param loop: :ref:`event loop` used for processing HTTP requests. If param is ``None`` :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop` used for getting default event loop, but we strongly recommend to use explicit loops everywhere. :param router: :class:`aiohttp.abc.AbstractRouter` instance, the system creates :class:`UrlDispatcher` by default if *router* is ``None``. :param logger: :class:`logging.Logger` instance for storing application logs. By default the value is ``logging.getLogger("aiohttp.web")`` :param middlewares: :class:`list` of middleware factories, see :ref:`aiohttp-web-middlewares` for details. .. versionadded:: 0.13 .. attribute:: router Read-only property that returns *router instance*. .. attribute:: logger :class:`logging.Logger` instance for storing application logs. .. attribute:: loop :ref:`event loop` used for processing HTTP requests. .. attribute:: on_response_prepare A :class:`~aiohttp.signals.Signal` that is fired at the beginning of :meth:`StreamResponse.prepare` with parameters *request* and *response*. It can be used, for example, to add custom headers to each response before sending. Signal handlers should have the following signature:: async def on_prepare(request, response): pass .. attribute:: on_shutdown A :class:`~aiohttp.signals.Signal` that is fired on application shutdown. Subscribers may use the signal for gracefully closing long running connections, e.g. websockets and data streaming. Signal handlers should have the following signature:: async def on_shutdown(app): pass It's up to end user to figure out which :term:`web-handler`\s are still alive and how to finish them properly. We suggest keeping a list of long running handlers in :class:`Application` dictionary. .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-graceful-shutdown` and :attr:`on_cleanup`. .. attribute:: on_cleanup A :class:`~aiohttp.signals.Signal` that is fired on application cleanup. Subscribers may use the signal for gracefully closing connections to database server etc. Signal handlers should have the following signature:: async def on_cleanup(app): pass .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-graceful-shutdown` and :attr:`on_shutdown`. .. method:: make_handler(**kwargs) Creates HTTP protocol factory for handling requests. :param kwargs: additional parameters for :class:`RequestHandlerFactory` constructor. You should pass result of the method as *protocol_factory* to :meth:`~BaseEventLoop.create_server`, e.g.:: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() app = Application(loop=loop) # setup route table # app.router.add_route(...) await loop.create_server(app.make_handler(), '', 8080) .. coroutinemethod:: shutdown() A :ref:`coroutine` that should be called on server stopping but before :meth:`finish()`. The purpose of the method is calling :attr:`on_shutdown` signal handlers. .. coroutinemethod:: cleanup() A :ref:`coroutine` that should be called on server stopping but after :meth:`shutdown`. The purpose of the method is calling :attr:`on_cleanup` signal handlers. .. coroutinemethod:: finish() A deprecated alias for :meth:`cleanup`. .. deprecated:: 0.21 .. method:: register_on_finish(self, func, *args, **kwargs): Register *func* as a function to be executed at termination. Any optional arguments that are to be passed to *func* must be passed as arguments to :meth:`register_on_finish`. It is possible to register the same function and arguments more than once. During the call of :meth:`finish` all functions registered are called in last in, first out order. *func* may be either regular function or :ref:`coroutine`, :meth:`finish` will un-yield (`await`) the later. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Use :attr:`on_cleanup` instead: ``app.on_cleanup.append(handler)``. .. note:: Application object has :attr:`router` attribute but has no ``add_route()`` method. The reason is: we want to support different router implementations (even maybe not url-matching based but traversal ones). For sake of that fact we have very trivial ABC for :class:`AbstractRouter`: it should have only :meth:`AbstractRouter.resolve` coroutine. No methods for adding routes or route reversing (getting URL by route name). All those are router implementation details (but, sure, you need to deal with that methods after choosing the router for your application). RequestHandlerFactory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RequestHandlerFactory is responsible for creating HTTP protocol objects that can handle HTTP connections. .. attribute:: connections List of all currently opened connections. .. method:: finish_connections(timeout) A :ref:`coroutine` that should be called to close all opened connections. Router ^^^^^^ For dispatching URLs to :ref:`handlers` :mod:`aiohttp.web` uses *routers*. Router is any object that implements :class:`AbstractRouter` interface. :mod:`aiohttp.web` provides an implementation called :class:`UrlDispatcher`. :class:`Application` uses :class:`UrlDispatcher` as :meth:`router` by default. .. class:: UrlDispatcher() Straightforward url-matching router, implements :class:`collections.abc.Mapping` for access to *named routes*. Before running :class:`Application` you should fill *route table* first by calling :meth:`add_route` and :meth:`add_static`. :ref:`Handler` lookup is performed by iterating on added *routes* in FIFO order. The first matching *route* will be used to call corresponding *handler*. If on route creation you specify *name* parameter the result is *named route*. *Named route* can be retrieved by ``app.router[name]`` call, checked for existence by ``name in app.router`` etc. .. seealso:: :ref:`Route classes ` .. method:: add_resource(path, *, name=None) Append a :term:`resource` to the end of route table. *path* may be either *constant* string like ``'/a/b/c'`` or *variable rule* like ``'/a/{var}'`` (see :ref:`handling variable pathes`) :param str path: resource path spec. :param str name: optional resource name. :return: created resource instance (:class:`PlainResource` or :class:`DynamicResource`). .. method:: add_route(method, path, handler, *, \ name=None, expect_handler=None) Append :ref:`handler` to the end of route table. *path* may be either *constant* string like ``'/a/b/c'`` or *variable rule* like ``'/a/{var}'`` (see :ref:`handling variable pathes`) Pay attention please: *handler* is converted to coroutine internally when it is a regular function. :param str method: HTTP method for route. Should be one of ``'GET'``, ``'POST'``, ``'PUT'``, ``'DELETE'``, ``'PATCH'``, ``'HEAD'``, ``'OPTIONS'`` or ``'*'`` for any method. The parameter is case-insensitive, e.g. you can push ``'get'`` as well as ``'GET'``. :param str path: route path. Should be started with slash (``'/'``). :param callable handler: route handler. :param str name: optional route name. :param coroutine expect_handler: optional *expect* header handler. :returns: new :class:`PlainRoute` or :class:`DynamicRoute` instance. .. method:: add_static(prefix, path, *, name=None, expect_handler=None, \ chunk_size=256*1024, response_factory=StreamResponse) Adds a router and a handler for returning static files. Useful for serving static content like images, javascript and css files. On platforms that support it, the handler will transfer files more efficiently using the ``sendfile`` system call. In some situations it might be necessary to avoid using the ``sendfile`` system call even if the platform supports it. This can be accomplished by by setting environment variable ``AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE=1``. .. warning:: Use :meth:`add_static` for development only. In production, static content should be processed by web servers like *nginx* or *apache*. .. versionchanged:: 0.18.0 Transfer files using the ``sendfile`` system call on supported platforms. .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 Disable ``sendfile`` by setting environment variable ``AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE=1`` :param str prefix: URL path prefix for handled static files :param path: path to the folder in file system that contains handled static files, :class:`str` or :class:`pathlib.Path`. :param str name: optional route name. :param coroutine expect_handler: optional *expect* header handler. :param int chunk_size: size of single chunk for file downloading, 256Kb by default. Increasing *chunk_size* parameter to, say, 1Mb may increase file downloading speed but consumes more memory. .. versionadded:: 0.16 :param callable response_factory: factory to use to generate a new response, defaults to :class:`StreamResponse` and should expose a compatible API. .. versionadded:: 0.17 :returns: new :class:`StaticRoute` instance. .. coroutinemethod:: resolve(requst) A :ref:`coroutine` that returns :class:`AbstractMatchInfo` for *request*. The method never raises exception, but returns :class:`AbstractMatchInfo` instance with: 1. :attr:`~AbstractMatchInfo.http_exception` assigned to :exc:`HTTPException` instance. 2. :attr:`~AbstractMatchInfo.handler` which raises :exc:`HTTPNotFound` or :exc:`HTTPMethodNotAllowed` on handler's execution if there is no registered route for *request*. *Middlewares* can process that exceptions to render pretty-looking error page for example. Used by internal machinery, end user unlikely need to call the method. .. note:: The method uses :attr:`Request.raw_path` for pattern matching against registered routes. .. versionchanged:: 0.14 The method don't raise :exc:`HTTPNotFound` and :exc:`HTTPMethodNotAllowed` anymore. .. method:: resources() The method returns a *view* for *all* registered resources. The view is an object that allows to: 1. Get size of the router table:: len(app.router.resources()) 2. Iterate over registered resources:: for resource in app.router.resources(): print(resource) 3. Make a check if the resources is registered in the router table:: route in app.router.resources() .. versionadded:: 0.21.1 .. method:: routes() The method returns a *view* for *all* registered routes. .. versionadded:: 0.18 .. method:: named_resources() Returns a :obj:`dict`-like :class:`types.MappingProxyType` *view* over *all* named **resources**. The view maps every named resources's **name** to the :class:`BaseResource` instance. It supports the usual :obj:`dict`-like operations, except for any mutable operations (i.e. it's **read-only**):: len(app.router.named_resources()) for name, resource in app.router.named_resources().items(): print(name, resource) "name" in app.router.named_resources() app.router.named_resources()["name"] .. versionadded:: 0.21 .. method:: named_routes() An alias for :meth:`named_resources` starting from aiohttp 0.21. .. versionadded:: 0.19 .. versionchanged:: 0.21 The method is an alias for :meth:`named_resources`, so it iterates over resources instead of routes. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Please use named **resources** instead of named **routes**. Several routes which belongs to the same resource shares the resource name. .. _aiohttp-web-resource: Resource ^^^^^^^^ Default router :class:`UrlDispatcher` operates with :term:`resource`\s. Resource is an item in *routing table* which has a *path*, an optional unique *name* and at least one :term:`route`. :term:`web-handler` lookup is performed in the following way: 1. Router iterates over *resources* one-by-one. 2. If *resource* matches to requested URL the resource iterates over own *routes*. 3. If route matches to requested HTTP method (or ``'*'`` wildcard) the route's handler is used as found :term:`web-handler`. The lookup is finished. 4. Otherwise router tries next resource from the *routing table*. 5. If the end of *routing table* is reached and no *resource* / *route* pair found the *router* returns special :class:`AbstractMatchInfo` instance with :attr:`AbstractMatchInfo.http_exception` is not ``None`` but :exc:`HTTPException` with either *HTTP 404 Not Found* or *HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed* status code. Registered :attr:`AbstractMatchInfo.handler` raises this exception on call. User should never instantiate resource classes but give it by :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_resource` call. After that he may add a :term:`route` by calling :meth:`Resource.add_route`. :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_route` is just shortcut for:: router.add_resource(path).add_route(method, handler) Resource with a *name* is called *named resource*. The main purpose of *named resource* is constructing URL by route name for passing it into *template engine* for example:: url = app.router['resource_name'].url(query={'a': 1, 'b': 2}) Resource classes hierarchy:: AbstractResource Resource PlainResource DynamicResource ResourceAdapter .. class:: AbstractResource A base class for all resources. Inherited from :class:`collections.abc.Sized` and :class:`collections.abc.Iterable`. ``len(resource)`` returns amount of :term:`route`\s belongs to the resource, ``for route in resource`` allows to iterate over these routes. .. attribute:: name Read-only *name* of resource or ``None``. .. coroutinemethod:: resolve(method, path) Resolve resource by finding appropriate :term:`web-handler` for ``(method, path)`` combination. :param str method: requested HTTP method. :return: (*match_info*, *allowed_methods*) pair. *allowed_methods* is a :class:`set` or HTTP methods accepted by resource. *match_info* is either :class:`UrlMappingMatchInfo` if request is resolved or ``None`` if no :term:`route` is found. .. method:: url(**kwargs) Construct an URL for route with additional params. **kwargs** depends on a list accepted by inherited resource class parameters. :return: :class:`str` -- resulting URL. .. class:: Resource A base class for new-style resources, inherits :class:`AbstractResource`. .. method:: add_route(method, handler, *, expect_handler=None) Add a :term:`web-handler` to resource. :param str method: HTTP method for route. Should be one of ``'GET'``, ``'POST'``, ``'PUT'``, ``'DELETE'``, ``'PATCH'``, ``'HEAD'``, ``'OPTIONS'`` or ``'*'`` for any method. The parameter is case-insensitive, e.g. you can push ``'get'`` as well as ``'GET'``. The method should be unique for resource. :param str path: route path. Should be started with slash (``'/'``). :param callable handler: route handler. :param coroutine expect_handler: optional *expect* header handler. :returns: new :class:`ResourceRoute` instance. .. class:: PlainResource A new-style resource, inherited from :class:`Resource`. The class corresponds to resources with plain-text matching, ``'/path/to'`` for example. .. class:: DynamicResource A new-style resource, inherited from :class:`Resource`. The class corresponds to resources with :ref:`variable ` matching, e.g. ``'/path/{to}/{param}'`` etc. .. class:: ResourceAdapter An adapter for old-style routes. The adapter is used by ``router.register_route()`` call, the method is deprecated and will be removed eventually. .. _aiohttp-web-route: Route ^^^^^ Route has *HTTP method* (wildcard ``'*'`` is an option), :term:`web-handler` and optional *expect handler*. Every route belong to some resource. Route classes hierarchy:: AbstractRoute ResourceRoute Route PlainRoute DynamicRoute StaticRoute :class:`ResourceRoute` is the route used for new-style resources, :class:`PlainRoute` and :class:`DynamicRoute` serves old-style routes kept for backward compatibility only. :class:`StaticRoute` is used for static file serving (:meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_static`). Don't rely on the route implementation too hard, static file handling most likely will be rewritten eventually. So the only non-deprecated and not internal route is :class:`ResourceRoute` only. .. class:: AbstractRoute Base class for routes served by :class:`UrlDispatcher`. .. attribute:: method HTTP method handled by the route, e.g. *GET*, *POST* etc. .. attribute:: handler :ref:`handler` that processes the route. .. attribute:: name Name of the route, always equals to name of resource which owns the route. .. attribute:: resource Resource instance which holds the route. .. method:: url(*, query=None, **kwargs) Abstract method for constructing url handled by the route. *query* is a mapping or list of *(name, value)* pairs for specifying *query* part of url (parameter is processed by :func:`~urllib.parse.urlencode`). Other available parameters depends on concrete route class and described in descendant classes. .. note:: The method is kept for sake of backward compatibility, usually you should use :meth:`Resource.url` instead. .. coroutinemethod:: handle_expect_header(request) ``100-continue`` handler. .. class:: ResourceRoute The route class for handling different HTTP methods for :class:`Resource`. .. class:: PlainRoute The route class for handling plain *URL path*, e.g. ``"/a/b/c"`` .. method:: url(*, parts, query=None) Construct url, doesn't accepts extra parameters:: >>> route.url(query={'d': 1, 'e': 2}) '/a/b/c/?d=1&e=2' .. class:: DynamicRoute The route class for handling :ref:`variable path`, e.g. ``"/a/{name1}/{name2}"`` .. method:: url(*, parts, query=None) Construct url with given *dynamic parts*:: >>> route.url(parts={'name1': 'b', 'name2': 'c'}, query={'d': 1, 'e': 2}) '/a/b/c/?d=1&e=2' .. class:: StaticRoute The route class for handling static files, created by :meth:`UrlDispatcher.add_static` call. .. method:: url(*, filename, query=None) Construct url for given *filename*:: >>> route.url(filename='img/logo.png', query={'param': 1}) '/path/to/static/img/logo.png?param=1' MatchInfo ^^^^^^^^^ After route matching web application calls found handler if any. Matching result can be accessible from handler as :attr:`Request.match_info` attribute. In general the result may be any object derived from :class:`AbstractMatchInfo` (:class:`UrlMappingMatchInfo` for default :class:`UrlDispatcher` router). .. class:: UrlMappingMatchInfo Inherited from :class:`dict` and :class:`AbstractMatchInfo`. Dict items are filled by matching info and is :term:`resource`\-specific. .. attribute:: expect_handler A coroutine for handling ``100-continue``. .. attribute:: handler A coroutine for handling request. .. attribute:: route :class:`Route` instance for url matching. View ^^^^ .. class:: View(request) Inherited from :class:`AbstractView`. Base class for class based views. Implementations should derive from :class:`View` and override methods for handling HTTP verbs like ``get()`` or ``post()``:: class MyView(View): async def get(self): resp = await get_response(self.request) return resp async def post(self): resp = await post_response(self.request) return resp app.router.add_route('*', '/view', MyView) The view raises *405 Method Not allowed* (:class:`HTTPMEthodNowAllowed`) if requested web verb is not supported. :param request: instance of :class:`Request` that has initiated a view processing. .. attribute:: request Request sent to view's constructor, read-only property. Overridable coroutine methods: ``connect()``, ``delete()``, ``get()``, ``head()``, ``options()``, ``patch()``, ``post()``, ``put()``, ``trace()``. .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-class-based-views` Utilities --------- .. class:: FileField A :class:`~collections.namedtuple` instance that is returned as multidict value by :meth:`Request.POST` if field is uploaded file. .. attribute:: name Field name .. attribute:: filename File name as specified by uploading (client) side. .. attribute:: file An :class:`io.IOBase` instance with content of uploaded file. .. attribute:: content_type *MIME type* of uploaded file, ``'text/plain'`` by default. .. seealso:: :ref:`aiohttp-web-file-upload` .. function:: run_app(app, *, host='', port=None, loop=None, \ shutdown_timeout=60.0, ssl_context=None, \ print=print) An utility function for running an application, serving it until keyboard interrupt and performing a :ref:`aiohttp-web-graceful-shutdown`. Suitable as handy tool for scaffolding aiohttp based projects. Perhaps production config will use more sophisticated runner but it good enough at least at very beginning stage. The function uses *app.loop* as event loop to run. :param app: :class:`Application` instance to run :param str host: host for HTTP server, ``''`` by default :param int port: port for HTTP server. By default is ``8080`` for plain text HTTP and ``8443`` for HTTP via SSL (when *ssl_context* parameter is specified). :param int shutdown_timeout: a delay to wait for graceful server shutdown before disconnecting all open client sockets hard way. A system with properly :ref:`aiohttp-web-graceful-shutdown` implemented never waits for this timeout but closes a server in a few milliseconds. :param ssl_context: :class:`ssl.SSLContext` for HTTPS server, ``None`` for HTTP connection. :param print: a callable compatible with :func:`print`. May be used to override STDOUT output or suppress it. Constants --------- .. class:: ContentCoding An :class:`enum.Enum` class of available Content Codings. .. attribute:: deflate *DEFLATE compression* .. attribute:: gzip *GZIP comression* .. attribute:: identity *no comression* .. disqus::